
“I Improve Innovation Management Capabilities by Offering Three Management Development Services; Educational Programmes, Consulting Projects and Professional Speaking”

Educational Programmes

Design and delivery of customised and targeted educational and professional development programmes incorporating the latest innovation management research and practitioner insights that challenge conventional thinking and deliver results.

What People Say:

  • “Excellent delivery style, very interactive, passionate about the subject”
  • “Dynamic style, links everything to practical examples and challenges ideas”
  • “The most useful, interesting, and applicable course that I have taken”
  • “Mike’s teaching is fantastic; open, friendly, engaging, and knowledgeable
  • “I wish more courses offered a similar experience”

Consulting Projects

Independent, expert and rigorous consulting projects that identify innovation management capability gaps, overcome organisational barriers, and develop innovation led strategies for growth.

Consulting projects are confidential and covered by non-disclosure agreements. Mike has worked at board level with a variety of companies to evaluate, develop and improve their innovation management capabilities.

Professional Speaking

Original, insightful and thought provoking speaking engagements that reinforce the role of innovation management to your company’s future success. Particularly effective as part of a leadership development event or management conference.

What People Say:

  • “I wasn’t expecting to enjoy this, but it was great”
  • “Brilliant, the best innovation talk I have seen in years”
  • “Very interesting talk, opens up huge opportunities”
  • “Refreshing, inspiring, great delivery”
  • “Inspiring, ten out of ten!”

To discuss your innovation management challenges, please get in touch here